relentless elaboration

Month January 2007

two cents per pair of eyeballs per 30-second spot.

A 30-second time slot in a medium-sized market can be purchased for as little as $5 per 1,000 viewers Ok, that’s two cents per pair of eyeballs per 30-second spot. The standard half-hour of television contains 22 minutes of program… Continue Reading →

project truth

I’ve started counting the number of times that I read how all these bloggers out there are just self-indulgent and pointless at best or worse, narcissistic and positively harmful. You see it everywhere, sometimes even in somebody’s blog. At least… Continue Reading →

signing statement

If a president can issue a signing statement effectively declaring that he is going to ignore certain portions of the bill he is signing into law, then why can’t I do likewise when clicking “I Agree” to a software license… Continue Reading →

life is like a knife…

life is like a knife. or maybe a surfboard, splitting the eternal wave of existence, the everpresent now, into pairs of opposites. all we see is the foam, but not the sea.

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