I used to worry a lot about work. before that, maybe I didn’t worry enough, and then I worried too much. you know how it is.
but nearly thirty years’ experience in this business — and you’d better believe its been a wild ride — have taught me, that first of all, worrying is not a constructive use of energy.
but more importantly, the difference between success and failure can often be dependent on a random, or at least an unpredictable set of factors. sure, preparation and hard work is necessary, but its not sufficient, I can tell you that much for a fact.
you see, without exception, people who’ve been successful have also been lucky, but they will have a natural tendency to diminish the luck factor, and maybe even convince themselves that their success and other’s failure is due entirely to their relative merit.
my name for such folks is “jaglthag” — jack ass got lucky, thinks he’s a genius.