I was reflecting the other day on this company meeting we had one time at my old company.
It was poorly planned and organized, and it was hard for folks to get into the room. They were just going to feed us a bunch of bullshit anyway, so some of us kind of hung out in the back of the room.
Kip, the boss, waved to us to come on down saying there was plenty of room, in spite of the fact that we’d have to literally climb over people to get there, and then we’d sort of be trapped between the bosses and their sycophants. Just not a place we wanted to be. So what? We were fine where we were, and since when did it matter to him what the hell we did or thought, anyway? Fucking power trip.
Kip kind of insisted, and we kind of pretended we didn’t understand, and he moved on.
Later on, they sold the company and we found out there had been some accounting irregularities, and we all got screwed, the suck-ups and the independents alike. (Ecclesiastes 9:11)
So what difference does it make?
Just be yourself. Try to be as pleasant as you can, but above all be true to yourself and to others, and “stick to your guns”.
And if they don’t like it, fuck ’em, because it don’t make a bit of difference in the end, and at least you for one will be that much less miserable in the meantime.