relentless elaboration

Category rants


What kind of a people do they think we are?

December 7, the 70th anniversary of that cruel and barbaric attack. Winston Churchill’s speech to the US Congress on December 26, 1941, is as inspiring today as it was then. He was a true visionary, and a master orator. That… Continue Reading →

No count today

[note: this is the original version of the blog entry for this date on caring bridge. I revised and toned down the language a little bit for general consumption.] No count today, ‘cos we cancelled this week. Anita spent the… Continue Reading →


today is 9/11, 2009. I feel kind of blue today, because I’m reminded of the way we were ruthlessly attacked, and I despair that we have the collective will and capacity to do anything about it. I swore when I… Continue Reading →

What is wrong with the Paulson bailout plan.

There was a story on the radio today that very clearly focused my attention on what is wrong with the Paulson bailout plan. The story’s intended focus was that “despite the fact that everyone who knows anything about this is… Continue Reading →

careers in science and technology

on, bill gates asked: “How can we do more to encourage young people to pursue careers in science and technology?” the answer to this question is “mu.” its like asking “how can we increase our crop yields?” kids are… Continue Reading →

two cents per pair of eyeballs per 30-second spot.

A 30-second time slot in a medium-sized market can be purchased for as little as $5 per 1,000 viewers Ok, that’s two cents per pair of eyeballs per 30-second spot. The standard half-hour of television contains 22 minutes of program… Continue Reading →

project truth

I’ve started counting the number of times that I read how all these bloggers out there are just self-indulgent and pointless at best or worse, narcissistic and positively harmful. You see it everywhere, sometimes even in somebody’s blog. At least… Continue Reading →

Why doesn’t the Second Amendment apply in Lebanon?

I had a weird thought this morning about the “crisis in Lebanon” It seems the Israelis have bombed southern Lebanon into rubble, to at least try to subdue the Hezbollah militia people from lobbing rockets over the border. I guess… Continue Reading →

soul of an abortion

where does the soul of an abortion go? and if that is so terrible, then who would be responsible for that outcome, exactly?

we inhabit an infinite number of different worlds

you know, everybody thinks there’s just one world. there’s this world we all live in. but they’re wrong. there’s an infinite number of different worlds we inhabit. there’s the world you live in and the world I live in, and… Continue Reading →

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