my fellow Christians, can we cut the crap?
a question for all of us to ask is, where does the soul of an abortion go? and if that is so terrible, then who would be responsible for that, exactly?
people die every day all around the world, miscarriages, innocent babies and children, not to mention others. from starvation and disease, brutality, bullets and bombs. what say we go save some of them, instead of engaging in these academic arguments over the beginning of life?
abortion is simply about sexual power. men used to have it, if only through brute force. where women “won” it, they have basically done so through the compassion and even guilt of well-meaning men, who chose to abdicate that power, out of a sense of conscience and fairness. that’s it.
the arguments around abortion are really about power. who gets to decide. decades ago some men decided that it was a woman’s right to choose to abort a pregnancy under certain conditions.
women hate this argument, because it shows their essential weakness, and dependence, even today, on men for their “power” which in the end is little more than an abstraction, an idea.
ultimately, all power rests on physical force. “the law come to get you if you don’t walk right.” and literally, they take you, and physically restrain you, and lock you in a cell, and maybe they beat the crap out of you, or even put you to death if we find your actions heinous enough. and that’s what we call the law. without it, the law is just a bunch of words.
war: same thing, bigger scale.
wife-beating and rape: same thing, smaller scale. it used to be legal, you know. still is in some parts of the world, more if you count de facto. that’s what “a man’s home is his castle” really means. hands off what goes on behind closed doors.
but we have decided that some things are right, and some things are wrong, whether they happen behind closed doors or not.
its wrong to beat your wife. and if you do, and if we find out about it, somebody bigger than you is going to come and kick the crap out of you and cart you off to a cell and physically restrain you from doing it. if some such thing didn’t happen, it would just keep going on, like it has, probably since the beginning of time. since adam and eve, or since we were apes, whichever your pleasure. just look at the fucking brute things. its what they do. where’s the law in the jungle, I ask you? nowhere. that’s right.
so abortion is in a category with familial abuse and rape and murder and war. just on an even smaller scale.
like other forms of violence, it starts out with the right and wrong of things. and thank you very much, civilized man, for not pounding on everything in your path and grabbing whatever you need. thank you for obeying certain rules so we can all get along. can I get an amen from the ladies over there in the feminist corner, if you don’t mind? all I want to say is take your head out of your own ass from time to time and remember who your friends are. thank you very much.

so some folks say its wrong to engage in sex for the fun of it, but what can you do?
however, should there be a child produced, by God, that child has a right to live. why? because its a human fucking being, that’s why! how is that such a backwards argument? its obvious. and furthermore, its testable. does it have unique dna? hell, yes. I mean the viability argument pretty much dooms entire wards of preemies, not to mention anyone in critical condition, doesn’t it? that can’t be the test. its preposterous.
but every woman I know just hates that argument, and I have yet to have a reasonable discussion with certain parties on this topic from this point on. they hate that argument, and they throw all kinds of emotional bullshit at you when you pull it out — either as individuals I know well and love, or as political groups on the national stage — but if you listen carefully, they don’t really have an answer. its not about the child. its not really a child, its a thing, like my fingernails or hair, that I can dispose of at will. who are you to tell me? if you listen carefully, those are the same sorts of arguments men used to use when accused of wife beating. its an abuse of power over another individual. why? because you can. what bothers me the most about the feminist position in this regard is the immaturity of it. grow up, and accept responsibility for yourselves and your power over the unborn. just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should. just remember: your miraculous ability to give life does not give you the right to take it.
maybe it sucks to be pregnant sometimes. hey, its tough all over. it sucks to die, too.

I’m disgusted at some of my fellow travelers on this side of the abortion debate, though. deep down, I think they’re largely a bunch of opportunists, who really don’t believe in anything. jerry falwell, pat robertson, ralph reed, their ilk and their followers, they’re just a bunch of scum-sucking weasles, as far as I’m concerned. I’ll see them in hell, and when I do, I’ll be kicking some asses. but none of that changes anything.