relentless elaboration

Month April 2005

Pannini [Sanskrit means 'complete' or 'perfect']

I was reading about this cat, named Panini (no, not the tasty italian bread. see here). He was in fact a brilliant mind, a student of the Vedas, and perhaps one of the most innovative people in the whole development… Continue Reading →

what I tell myself

what I tell myself is, all these people, they live in queens, or the san fernando valley, or whatever, and they tell themselves, they couldn’t stand to live as far from the ocean as all that, but when you look… Continue Reading →

the other night I dreamed I had died and gone to hell. again.

the other night I dreamed I had died and gone to hell. again. this time, hell was like the midwest at night in winter. the vast flat plain was hopeless and oppressive in its enormity. the sky was sulphurous, incarnadine,… Continue Reading →

I love to write

I love to write. Its fun to imagine someone is interested in what I have to say.

its a peculiar irony

its a peculiar irony that drugs such as lsd, heroin and cocaine were introduced into the anti-war community in the sixties as a form of “active measure” by the u.s. intelligence community specifically intended to disrupt their activities and discredit… Continue Reading →

martha wainwright has this

martha wainwright has this song called “bloddy mother fucking asshole” which incorporates lyrics like “I will not put on a smile for you” which along with the title are repeated endlessly. ok, martha, let’s make a deal. you don’t put… Continue Reading →

the law of unintended consequences, continued

I think the European colonization of the Americas is probably the most telling and complete example of the law of unintended consequences, particularly with respect to the strengths and weaknesses of the capitalist system. If the native Americans had any… Continue Reading →

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