relentless elaboration

Category dreams

surveying the dark and empty city

lots to write about today, but I have to record this dream. It’s another old one. I don’t know how many times over how many years I’ve dreamt this dream. maybe a dozen, maybe a hundred. I think I might… Continue Reading →

I'm Just Saying…

Let me tell you of my dream. I dreamt that I was in contemplation of the vast mystery of the cosmos. And it was like pondering the clouds in the sky. And from one of the clouds emerged the hand… Continue Reading →

the deeper nature of time

through years researching the deeper nature of time, I explored every imaginable path. down in the damp, musty tunnels of experimental physics, I gazed at the curious traces of particles passing through our dimension, sometimes forward, sometimes backward, sometimes in… Continue Reading →

the other night I dreamed I had died and gone to hell. again.

the other night I dreamed I had died and gone to hell. again. this time, hell was like the midwest at night in winter. the vast flat plain was hopeless and oppressive in its enormity. the sky was sulphurous, incarnadine,… Continue Reading →

it wasn't wrong. if anything, it was too right.

Weird dreams last night. Or more likely this morning, since I slept in today. the kids woke me up in a tizzy ‘cos monica was driving lizzie to school, and the p.o.s. volvo stalled halfway out the driveway, and she… Continue Reading →

fantastic and varied creatures beneath the still water surface of a mind at rest

the reason we sometimes think dreams are trying to tell us something is because the symbols our unconscious minds select to construct them are necessarily chosen from our own experiences, memories and perhaps submerged feelings, and therefore they appear meaningful… Continue Reading →

what if I told you we're all having the same dreams?

more weird dreams last night. sort of along the lines of the “i can’t find my classroom” or “i forgot we were going to have a test” dreams that everyone, and i mean everyone these days seems to be having… Continue Reading →

Last night I had

Last night I had a dream that for some reason struck me. It is unusual for me to have such a lucid, scripted, sensible dream. More often they’re incoherent, images and impressions, or snapshots of moments. This one had a… Continue Reading →

I have a number of recurring dreams

I have a number of recurring dreams. They affect me strongly, but I don’t know what to make of them. One involves being alone in a boat, moving along a coastline, among huge rock outcroppings. The water is deep, deep… Continue Reading →

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