I had an item on my todo list to put out a song that’s fresh, doesn’t suck and isn’t depressing.
to the person who assigned me that item, you know who you are!
so, it turns out its kind of tough to produce something that meets all these parameters given my current emotional state. but. if I pull something out of the archive, maybe it’s still fresh to you.
so here’s another item from my apartment near DC in early 2008, I think, that I played for Anita, and sent to her, and as far as I know up until now, she’s the only one who’s ever heard it.

I’m reminded of how back in the day, I was kind of one of those jet setting consultants who would jog off to Seattle, Boston or other glamorous places like Detroit, or Pheonix, or Mankato Minnesota, and dozens of other places like that, going out there to get the bacon to bring it on home.
But I wasn’t alone, and one time, we were making our goodbyes at the airport right next to another couple, one of my colleagues, as it turned out. And at one point his wife turned to us and said, “oh, the tearful partings are awful, but the welcome-home sex is just terrific, isn’t it?”
ha. oh, yeah.
And I know Anita appreciated it all, and everything you can imagine about all that is true.
Remember we talked about everything. I mean everything. I can’t tell you what it’s like to have such intimacy with another human being, and have it torn away from you like this, its like having a piece of your heart and soul physically ripped from your innards and shoved down your throat. Yow!