here’s what I think.
we’re on the run.
regular guys. that’s who.
once upon a time, the world was ours.
theoretically, at least.
lots of us were scratching out livings
digging potatoes
“for who would fardels bear?”, eh?
but not any more.
in a way, its our own fault.
and in another way, its always been this way.
get it?
boil it down, to its pure essence, like tar.
what do you have?
a very few who seem to control things
usually they’re victims themselves, in a way
usually more comfortable than average,
but its really the system that controls us all,
including them.
another few who seem to care a lot about change.
and they’re first squashed
but if they’re persistent and bothersome enough,
they get thrown a bone.
usually that’s enough to keep them quiet.
so the system can go on.
its only the system that matters.
but its only consciousness that can save us.